I just thought I'd update the blog since it's been nearly a month. Olivia hasn't walked all too much since the last time I posted. Just a few steps here and there. Today she did stand up unassisted in the middle of the room. I can't help but think she will be walking consistently very soon. I've been looking into when she can go into a regular bed and it looks like it could be as soon as 4 months down to road. I'm not rushing it though, we'll play it by ear and see how she is doing in the crib by then. I would like to have her pick out her own bedding or perhaps she'll get it for a gift for Easter or something like that depending on when she transitions. Right now I'm looking at good quality snowsuits as I'm thinking the one I have will still be too large by the time snow falls. We also need to find boots that will fit. Olivia's favourite word right now has to be Up. I'm trying to get her to say Up mama but she refuses to say mama at all. She figures that she knows who I am, I know who I am, why say it? The child development worker Angie is happy with her progress and won't be back until December and then February to do her 18 month assessment which will be more involved. Livvy also enjoys watching the Backyardigans. I think it's the only tv program she's ever paid attention to for more than 10 minutes. Not that I'm complaining that she doesn't watch tv, I think it's great she'd rather entertain herself. Today after she got up in the morning, she was still so tired that she was able to lay in my lap and fall back to sleep for a few minutes. It made me miss the times when she would sleep in my arms for much longer than that. She's also getting big, but never too big for mama's lap. I put her to bed about 45 minutes ago and I can still hear her mischevious laugh. I wonder what she's up to but I'll just leave her to it. She and Ittybit the 2nd are sure to be cooking up some scheme in there.
The MyFitnessPal challenge! #MFPchallenge
10 years ago