Well by request of my friend Claire, I've decided to do an update. It's been awhile since I've said much about my little darling/devil so here we go. She's been sleeping in a bed for the past 3 weeks and most of the time we don't have any issues. She has been challenging naptime though and gets out a few times most days only to be taken back to bed. At night she usually stays put and goes to sleep right away. As of last Monday she had achieved a weight of 21.5 pounds so she is up a pound and a half since the beginning of November when she was weighed by the pediatrician. She's still 29.5 inches tall so her height has not increased at all. Her vocabulary is really increasing. Her latest words are please, uh oh, cracker, cookie, baby and Keri (the name of my friend's dog). She still doesn't call me mom on a regular basis, usually just in the car where she will say it over and over. She loves to chatter to herself while she plays and it sounds like she is telling some pretty wild stories. She now can walk pretty fast when she wants but is still a bit clumsy because she doesn't look where she's going. Her favourite tv show is the Wiggles and she just loves the movie Wall-E. We are looking forward to her second Christmas because this time she knows a bit more about what's going on. She hasn't taken much interest in our little tree but she likes the singing snowmen I have in front of it. I'm eager to see how she reacts to seeing her grandma's and grandpa's after being away from them for so long. I'm sure she'll be tickled pink. She loves all people but especially her family. Today she actually fell asleep on me in bed for about half an hour. It was so sweet being able to hold my baby who isn't a baby at all. However, when I woke up, she had drooled all over me!
The MyFitnessPal challenge! #MFPchallenge
10 years ago
1 comment:
Yay! An update! I will have to pester you more often!
Livvy sounds like she's doing great! I love hearing updates about her!
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