Lately Olivia's language is increasing at quite a rate. Over Christmas she gained quite a few words and just today added 2 more. She learned girl, pretty, cold and Elly (her grandma's cat). Today she came up with papa for grandpa and car. I find it amazing how fast they learn these words and although they aren't as clear as what you and I would say, the meaning is still there and she understands. She also learned to give Squishy hugs which are hugs that you have to squeeze really hard and grunt with effort LOL. Christmas was good to her, she made out like a bandit and is enjoying her toys at home. She also had her first professional haircut and I think it's really cute. She was happy to visit with all of her family but she was also very glad to be home. We're just getting back into routine today and it's going a bit rough for now. At least mommy is no longer bound by the cast and we can do a bit more. As I type she's fighting with a chair and moving it all over the room and complaining about it although I'm not sure what the problem is. As you can see, the language isn't enough to express her frustration just yet.
The MyFitnessPal challenge! #MFPchallenge
10 years ago
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