Olivia's language continues to develop at a fairly steady pace and she surprises me sometimes with words I didn't think she knew. Yesterday she said camera while holding the object in question. She also says "momo" when she sees Elmo on the computer or on her diapers. The past few weeks have been very hard on both of us. She's been teething non stop for at least 3 weeks and is sporting 4 new teeth, 2 of which are molars. She must be in a lot of pain at times because she can't seem to calm down. Her sleeping habits are off and she's not the happy girl I'm used to. I'm sure this will end soon, I mean it has to right? Once these teeth are fully through, she'll have 10 out of the 20 she needs. I wonder how many of those will decide to emerge simultaneously? We're going to visit the grandmas and grandpas in a few weeks, I'm sure she'll enjoy that. We'll also be visiting with Auntie Nikki who is in Korea right now but will be back for a few weeks when we're in Thunder Bay. Olivia hasn't seen her Aunt since she was just under five months old. I can't imagine how startling the differences will be to Nikki. Olivia is certainly mischevious. When I asked her to come see me yesterday for a clean diaper, she ran into the kitchen, did a few circuits and then crawled under the kitchen table...I was not impressed. She has her definite tastes and preferences. Today we're going out to lunch with a friend, I hope she will eat what we get her!
1 comment:
Teething is so difficult and painful for some little ones while others barely notice it's happening. I hope her teeth break through soon.
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